Hegelian Dialectic Already Being Exposed in Wake of New Orleans
Time-worn social patterns, politics, and Catholicism continue to clash in ways that are both fascinating and frightening.
“These things saith the First and the Last, who was dead, and is alive: I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan” -Apocalypse of St John 2:9
THERE ARE LAYERS TO EVIL, a mafia style, clandestine assault on institutions, culture, and the soul that protects the Queen Bee behind a network of real foes that are really false foes because of whom they are protecting.
It’s as complicated as that opening sentence at first glance.
But then you read the sentence again, and then again, and all of sudden…
It all makes sense.
Hunters understand camouflage well. For the life of me I cannot understand how more people cannot see who is actually pulling all these nefarious strings in our world and have back to even before the time of Jesus.
Admittedly, the knowledge and revolution is swelling in America, across the world, while those still thinking what the TV tells us to think is actually what has occurred on events like 9/11 and New Orleans look increasingly more lost.
And they’re more lost because they think they are so sure of themselves. I admit, the more I find out, the more I know—the more I know I don’t know.
But we’ve got to be better than just sticking it to the Russians or the Chinese or the Muslims all the time. The evidence indicates other patterns, other playbooks, other plans of a seemingly wholly different enemy.
And that enemy is right in front of us.
Edward Snowden is not nearly the only whistleblower either.
This network of foes and friends is where the reality of false flags comes into play. Assassinations, terrorist attacks, and tax-payer funded wars have all had their turns being the concocted tragedy in order to invoke public outcry and a subsequent power transfer.
In the context of war, I do not dispute the fact that every country has a right to defend itself. What I do dispute is the way Israel and the United States (the infiltrated version poisoned by the likes of Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden) consistently create a problem, simply to inject a necessary emotion into the public, simply to manipulate that public’s opinion into practically clamoring for an unjust and unaffordable war.
In the context of health tyranny, the whole staged pandemic and its not-really-a-vaccine aftermath provides another example.
It is a social framework called the Hegelian Dialectic.
“The WEF is a fanatical political organization that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the saviors, but really all you’re doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global public-private fascist movement, and fusion of big government, big tech and big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently is them.”
“They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they are the lords ruling over us… That’s what they’re aiming for.”
Fear is the gasoline that fuels the already burning fire of a populace and culture that just want to be left alone in its comfort inside its little hobbit hole.
Well, the fact of the matter is that, increasingly, Gandalf is making his call for us to get off the couch and onto the road to combat.
Personally, I amend the three-tiered pattern of the Hegelian Dialectic to include an initial planned “Solution” before the “Agenda/Crisis Event” even occurs, for it is certain that these nefarious powers know exactly what their end goal is before they begin the psyop on a population.
-Planned Solution
-Agenda/Crisis Event (like a war or a terrorist attack)
-Public reaction (typically stoked by emotion, or pathos in the Greek)
-Imposed Solution, Transfer of Power, Loss of Freedom and Dignity
If you look back at similar situations over the decades, you’ll see the playbook. You’ll see the similarities. And it is this type of mistake so many of us are calling for well-meaning American patriots not to make as the aftermath of New Orleans is memory-holed and as almost-certain additional terrorists attack our country.
RELATED: Israel and 9/11
Narrative warfare is raging all around us, which should bring us both hope and holy outrage; this type of admission by District Attorney Jason Williams not only is telling concerning New Orleans, but if we're sharp, we'll start to connect this reaction to other aftermaths of tragedies, including the most infamous--the one Williams specifically mentions in this video:
The layers run even further than a lot of us think. And likely even further than what I have come to believe.
The more you know, the more you know you don’t know. Everyone has it in them to know more.
As the fog continues to clear on decades of mind control and mass psychosis, it is safe to live and think by a simple precept: Every time government says they are doing something for our “safety,” they are taking our rights away under false pretenses. It means, at best, that they are capitalizing on the tragedy, and at worse, that they created it.
RELATED: KNIGHT TIME | Syria and the Enemy Who Never Stops Lying | Ep 3
“Neither dost thou fear God, seeing thou art condemned under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this man hath done no evil. Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom.”
In other words, forgive me too, Lord, for my part in all of this. For I am not without grave sin, and many times over. St Dismas, penitent thief, pray for us.