RFK Jr's Catholic Roots May Be Key to American Revival
But according to Mr Kennedy himself regarding people's beliefs and orthodoxy, a direct attempt at deprogramming someone can do something irrevocable.
“It is a proverb: A young man according to his way, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs xxii.6
ONCE SAID RFK JR, “When someone gets subsumed into orthodoxy, it’s very very difficult to unravel it. And there are all types of psychiatric treatises about how do you deprogram somebody and how do you talk someone out of orthodoxy…. If you challenge them directly, if you challenge their beliefs, it pours concrete on it….”
Information War, the Overton Window, and the breadcrumbing of truth to the American public–these are all topics I take great interest in and have worked hard to show to anyone that will listen.
I believe the comprehension of such mental frameworks aids in faith, in hope, and in sanity–as we collectively move out of the rainforest, back across the journeyed wilderness, and back to Pride Rock where we’ll one day have to fight an epic battle against Scar and the hyenas for light, beauty, and the freedom to worship God as he commands.
Such intelligence and ability to grasp cognitive frameworks and metaphor might be a little something Jesus was talking about when he told his disciples they must be as gentle as doves and wise as serpents. Such is the example Christ himself set when he effortlessly maneuvers out of the trap set for him by the Herodians and Pharisees over the Caesar coin (Matt x.16; Matt xxii).
In a word, or twelve, Jesus commands and examples for us that we need to be smart.
Certainly RFK Jr, despite my disagreements and hesitancies with him on at least two major issues, is doing nothing to douse my hope that God is indeed giving people a real chance–a long, ongoing one–to wake up, to see the evil for what it’s been for so long so that we will turn back to him in earnest.
RFK Jr is a figure who has done the work, who has gotten himself smart on key issues, who is now ready to help Trump destroy key aspects of the Marxist enemy’s multifaceted assault on everything human.
Additionally, recently I came across a video from April in which he discussed with Raymond Arroyo his Catholic faith growing up:
It is the faith in Christ and the intelligence of a serpent that I try to invoke in my work.
It is my hope and sincerest prayer that God will bless RFK Jr with the grace to repent of his public sins concerning certain government policies, especially since he has been such a paragon of courage in regards to such things as CIA corruption, the medical industrial complex, and the military industrial complex, among others.
He is, in another words, very much like his uncle and father.
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A Phantom Menace—More Than Just Star Wars
Regarding the purpose of this specific article, I would guess that it might be very hard for Bobby to convert, or revert I should say, to all aspects of the Catholic faith—the old ways his family grew up with before the diabolical, sweeping changes wrought by Impious Jewish infiltration of the Second Vatican Council and its catastrophic aftermath in the 1960s and 70s.1
, we also find this:It is the Jewish World Order that makes such go-arounds necessary. We must be wise as serpents, Christ says, and certainly the Kennedys of the 1960s were working to do just that.
It is the same thing Donald Trump is doing.
Now think about it: Who exactly is this “invisible enemy” Burning Bright speaks of? Jesus Christ himself told us exactly who it would be all over the New Testament, and those warning correspond directly and copiously to the behavior of a certain people in the Old.
That certain people are the Jews, the ones of the “impious” variety warned about in every old prayer manual I can see as I study how Catholicism is supposed to be.
Make sure you read that footnote below.
This Jew World Order has been drifting across continents for centuries. It is what continues to hide, although it is admittedly faltering as X and Telegram make possible the breaking of the concrete concerning people’s inherited world view. But too many Americans still are “concretized” in their understanding of this vicious enemy, who killed our Lord and Savior himself, who has never ceased working to destroy Christ through his bride the Church since apostolic days.
The Talmud and the Jewish Encyclopedia themselves say it all.
RFK Jr After Phoenix
Ever since RFK Jr started talking about it with the spotlight squarely on him after his [publicly announced] alliance with Trump in Phoenix, it is not difficult to notice how drastically the Overton Window has shifted on child/human health and the poison in our food and air, on the evil of vaccines, on the corruption of our three-letter agencies?
Here are just a few regarding health right after he hit the ground running after that inspiring Friday night in the desert:
As well, right as the big names of three of the biggest social media outlets just so happened to be in the news at the same time at that juncture in the plotline, you had RFK Jr saying things like the following. Remember, I believe it was back in the spring when he called out Big Tech for censoring one of his ads:
Many of us may be wondering why it is that the conspiracy theories come out before the “mainstream players” start making it all more believable. I know this also because the people I talk to always want me to “just say things,” to just blurt it out, to tell them everything I’ve come across.
I guess to a nearly full degree I am doing that now in warning about the JWO.
Many of them “understand” the child trafficking thing through Sound of Freedom. For some, it wasn’t until the airing of Nickelodeon’s show Quiet on Set that they were finally aboard.
Some knew long before that because they’d seen Out of Shadows, as I had, back in 2020.
But to take the next step and actually connect child trafficking to Christ’s own warnings in the Bible and the JWO? It would be like starting all over in the awakening process again.
Conspiracy theorists, for whatever reason, sometimes see these things before the actuals surface, and sometimes that’s simply because they were able to see something like Out of Shadows before others were able to see Sound of Freedom or Quiet on Set or witness the Balenciaga reveal. Diddy was hardly a surprise. Some of this has nothing to do with how people’s brains work; some of it has to do with simply when God wants you to cross paths with something tangible that will point blank show you.
And then the choice is yours whether or not you want to trust that same conspiracy theorist who helped move the Overton Window for you in the first place.
If you’ve read the novel The Hobbit, you see Gandalf employing this method in Chapters 1 and 8 when he slowly breadcrumbs the dwarves to Bilbo’s and Beorn’s homes, respectively. The dwarves, symbolically speaking for our purposes, represent the truth. That truth, scientifically speaking, must come in drops and dribbles, not a flood.
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People understand and trust at different rates, yes, as RFK Jr will allude to in the video below. But I did want to add this to it: Sometimes it’s just about what comes your way and when it comes your way or what you put your energy into.
And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying. That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity. -2 Thess ii.6-11
In other words, if you don’t care, if you choose to stay asleep, if you refuse to work at being wise as Jesus commanded, it doesn’t matter how obvious the truth becomes—God will allow you to continue in your delusion.
I can attest to this as I look back at other chapters of my life. It is amazing—and frightening—how he does it, how he makes it certain you will not mock him.
This is why party-line conservatives must allow themselves to be more “liberal” with some of this stuff. You don’t have to believe it all right away. Just make room inside for the possibilities. It makes things like cognitive dissonance a whole lot less intense. It also aids in, as I said above, our sanity, as the information comes at us so quickly by the week and by the day now.
I end with the RFK Jr video. One thing he discusses in here is the Socratic method, which is a form of teaching that involves asking a succession of building questions. I do it with both myself and others I keep asking questions revolving around logic concerning single issues and how those issues interconnect.
I once did it more with the JWO thing, until just recently where I’ve begun coming right out and saying it.
What RFK Jr says here is one crucial component of information war.
Essentially he is saying that people may think they want all the truth at once, but another factor naturally comes into play that the truth teller must be smart enough to keep in mind.
At the same time, everything is accelerating. And some, frankly, have not done the work and have not harbored a holy curiosity. They will be those numbered in the Thessalonians passage above.
What lies ahead could be dark, much darker than Scar and the hyenas.
It is a brilliance and a patience of a man I am praying reverts back to his Catholic roots. We will need Christ himself to defeat the phantom menace, the hostile power, the Jews of Impiety that work to crucify everyone and everything Gentile. If only it were as simple as asking nicely. Or, maybe that’s precisely what it is.
If we ask the right people—
St Michael the Archangel, Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
“Neither dost thou fear God, seeing thou art condemned under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this man hath done no evil. Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom.”
Forgive me, Lord, for my part in all of this. For I am not without grave sin, and many times over.
The old religion (pre 1960s) also taught that we must pray for the conversion of the Jews God has deemed elect to join the faithful Gentiles in his kingdom forever. This has been lost because of politics, specifically ecumenism and ostpolitik at Vatican II and its aftermath.